Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Tour Begins! Coimbra to Aveiro

Cloud covered and damp. Not raining but damp.
After a fantastic breakfast, we got the bags to the door of the room and went to the bikes.
We are riding a Cannondale tandem this year that could be geared a little lower so our old legs can make it up the hills a little easier. Slower, but easier.
The ride today was 41 miles of rolling country. Some farms, Vineyards and livestock, but not as large as some of the regions in Europe we have ridden in the past.
Nice to be on the road again at a pace thats not killer.
Our ride leaders are wonderful! More on this later. They are more concerned with us having a great vacation then breaking any records by speeding along.
Although we are the slowest riders, or so it seems, we finished in the middle of the group at the hotel.
Another amazing place at the shore. Pictures will tell more as we go out tonight as a group for dinner.
Please remember to comment at the end of the posts. Its nice to know who is enjoying our work as we again experience another trip of a life time!

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