Thursday, August 17, 2023

Here we go again!

Packing is always a challenge. what to take and what to leave. What cameras will I be taking and what will I need for cables and camera support systems. This year , besides my Smart Phone, will be bringing 4 cameras. Two require film and the others, digital. When I first started blogging, i brought a small laptop computer. Now all the work is done on my phone and a small tablet. Photo editing is all done with an app. that works better than anything i had on my computer. Internet access is so much better than it was evan 10 years ago. When I first started, I would have to wait my turn for the hotels guest computer in the lobby. We will be heading out tomorrow. When we arrive at our first Hotel, we will be in Northwest France. We will be going on a Group tour around Normandy and Britney with a group named " Experience Plus" Friends from past tours will be joining us. I hope you will enjoy following our adventures an look forward to seeing and reading your comments!

1 comment:

  1. Buon Viaggio, can't wait to follow along! Stay safe and ENJOY
